What We Do

What We Do

We work with communities in the tea gardens and forest areas of North Bengal (India). We facilitate community-based processes through our theme-based programmes primarily in education, and environment. These participatory processes build on strengths and encourage communities in accessing various schemes and services (i.e. their entitlements) and become active agents for their development.


Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” We at INVOLVE believe that engaging with children at the school level through enjoyable, activity based interactions can enrich their connections with schools and the learning experiences. This would reduce drop outs as well. Sports, field trips and other such interactions can play a valuable role here. These activities can contribute to comprehensive development of children wherein they also learn and practice several vital life skills.


It is crucial to be ecologically conscious and mindful of the effect that human actions have on the environment. Our work focuses on recognising the intricate linkages between communities and environments, upholding protective practices and undertaking actions that minimize harmful effects. We aim to work collectively through our Children and youth Groups to encourage sustainable environmental practices.


We work with community members to create awareness about mandated schemes and services that they can avail.  We also support government service providers and other systemic actors in enhancing their linkages with communities. We hope to strengthen informed and equitable access to entitlements so that the disadvantaged and vulnerable can connect with the services they need.

Supporting Community Groups

We support women’s groups, particularly Self Help Groups and Mothers’ Groups. We encourage them to define and act on their potential and grow as catalysts of change in their communities. Programmes on livelihood and gender are seen as vital channels for doing so.



Inclusion and Empowerment as cross cutting programmatic approaches

INVOLVE aims to work consciously and consistently on inclusion and fostering empowerment of communities through all that it does. We support individuals and groups who are disadvantaged due to various factors (including gender, caste, tribe, class, location, occupation, disability, and community who are disaster fronts) to secure their rights and be accorded respect and dignity.

Our understanding of empowerment is about expansion of choices and enhanced ability to exercise choices, of growing in articulation and resources that have individual and community benefits. Essentially, our programmes aim to support community members in building on their skills and resources, becoming aware of options that they can access and encouraging their growth.

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